Saluting Wounded Warriors Campaign
Bowling centres are an important part of every community across Canada, and are a hub of activity catering to ALL demographics.
Roughly 900,000 Canadians go bowling every week.
Saluting Wounded Warriors Canada campaign aims to bring awareness and much needed funds to the great men and women of the military who have been wounded or injured in their service to Canada.
Throughout the month of August Classic Bowl will be renting specialized camouflage shoes, collecting donations and hosting special events.
Additionally, Classic Bowl will be selling the Saluting Wounded Warriors Canada apparel line. The line includes playing cards, key chains, t-shirts and many others.
Classic Bowl invites everyone to Honour the Fallen, Help the Living. Visit us in August and help maximize our donation to WOUNDED WARRIORS CANADA.
For sponsorship or media inquiries, please contact Edward Sousa at 905-607-2695 x 229 or at